
The Sport Psychology in Film Collection (SPFC) is a listing of movies that have sport psychology concepts depicted in them. This listing is designed to be used for teaching, consulting, or other educational purposes. Each movie listed is tagged with its main sport (or sports) along with examples of sport psychology concepts are illustrated in the film.

To get started, simply browse through the list of Sports & Concepts on the left. When you find one you are interested in, click it once and every movie tagged with that sport or concept will be displayed. You can also use the search box to look for a particular movie. The top bar contains links to pages about the SPFC's history, an alphabetical listing of all the films, how to use movies when teaching, links to relevant sport psychology websites, and information for how to contribute to the site.

The listing was initially compiled from input by the members of the SportPsy discussion group. Since then, numerous people have contributed to its growth and development by submitting summaries of movies. The Sport Psychology Movie Database (SPMD) was created originally by Dr. Allen Cornelius and is currently maintained by Dr. Samuel Forlenza. An archived version of the old site can be found here.