Next Goal Wins

In April 2001, Australia and American Samoa met in a qualifying match for the World Cup, which Australia won 31-0 in the most lopsided match in World Cup history. Next Goal Wins picks up 10 years later, when Thomas Rongen is essentially forced to take over coaching the team. Their only goal is for them to score a goal, which hadn't happened since the 31-0 rout. In only a few weeks, Rongen must adjust himself to the culture while preparing the team for their upcoming matches.

Released 2023; Runtime 104 minutes


  • Cultural Differences: Rongen must quickly adjust to life on the island -  but their slow speed limits, religiosity, and laid back approach to life are difficult for him to understand.
  • Sexuality: One of the most prominent characters and captain of the team is Jaiyah, who became the first openly trans woman to compete in a World Cup match. Her non-binary status is initially not accepted by Rongen, but he eventually comes to understand. There is also a moment where she decided to stop her hormone treatment in order to perform better, but this caused her distress.
  • Coaching: Rongen does not want to be coaching American Samoa, and starts off treating the team poorly and gives up on them after a few days. He adjusts his coaching style to focus more on fitness and fundamentals, and discloses his own struggles to create a bond with the team.
  • Underdogs: Being ranked at the very bottom of FIFA standings, and having only won one match ever, nothing is expected out of American Samoa and they are the laughingstock of FIFA. The team must be resilient in order to score a goal - and accomplish even more.