Untold: Caitlyn Jenner
Untold: Caitlyn Jenner is a documentary that traces the life of Caitlyn Jenner (born Bruce Jenner). Caitlyn describes her upbringing and how she felt that she never quite fit in, but sports were a way to put those feelings aside. Being "Bruce the athlete" became a refuge for her, but she could never completely ignore who she was, which ultimately culminated in her transitioning in her 60s.
Released 2021; Runtime 69 minutes
- Gender Issues: Caitlyn describes how she battled gender dysphoria most of her life, which caused her a great deal of inner turmoil and confusion. She felt that she could never open up about those issues, so she turned "Bruce" into a persona that she could absorb herself into to avoid having to confront that confusion.
- Olympics; Pursuing Your Dream: Early in her career, Caitlyn was obsessed with winning the gold medal in the decathlon at the Olympics. Her single-minded pursuit led her to do just that, winning the gold medal with a world-record score in 1976.