Invincible follows the story of 30-year-old Vince Papale, a substitute teacher in Philadelphia. After losing his job and his marriage, Vince tries out for the Philadelphia Eagles, who are holding open tryouts to look for any hidden talents they've been missing. Vince trains relentlessly, defies the odds, and inspires both the city of Philadelphia and the nation.
Released 2006; Runtime 105 minutes
- Commitment: Vince refuses to allow his shortcomings define him; His level of determination sets him apart from everyone else and helps him earn a spot on the team.
- Inspirational Moments: Despite coming from trying circumstances and being doubted and kicked around, Vince's spirit wins out and leaves a mark on people.
- Pursuing Your Dream: Even when he was told that he would never make the team and experienced negativity about what he was doing, he kept moving forward towards his ridiculous endeavor.
- Underdogs: Vince makes it on the team as a walk-on, something that no one expected him to accomplish.