23 Blast

23 Blast is about a high school football star, Travis, who suddenly loses his sight. Throughout the movie we see Travis struggle and adjust to his new lifestyle and fight his way back onto the field.

Released 2014; Runtime 98 minutes

  • Disability: Travis is faced with an unexpected disability, becoming blind, and learning how to live and play football with that disability.
  • Motivation (Extrinsic): Travis wants to prove those doubting him that they are wrong.
  • Motivation (Intrinsic): Travis also wants to prove to himself that he can play football and still feel the same satisfaction he once did from playing.
  • Parents & Family: His parents play a huge role in helping him adjust to his new lifestyle and are supportive of the decisions he makes.
  • Sportsmanship: The rest of his team helps Travis adjust and reach his goals on and off the field.