The Program
The Program is the story of a college football team facing the pressure of winning and balancing life. The team has players from all walks of life, and they need a winning season so the program can survive.
Released 1993; Runtime 112 minutes
- Aggression & Violence: Shown through the desire to win and one player's use of steroids, which caused him to become very angry and aggressive.
- Anxiety & Stress: There was a lot of pressure on the team to win, otherwise their program would be cut. Plus, the quarterback came from a family of alcoholics, so he was always on edge and nervous, and ultimately ended up going to rehab for drinking.
- Parents & Family: Girlfriends and families played a big role. Alvin wanted to get his family out of poverty, the QB wanted his family to support his playing, and the running backs were battling for a girl's heart and approval.
- Cultural Differences: The team was made of players with very different backgrounds and the team had to try and blend everyone together for their success.