Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore is a comedy about a temperamental hockey player who turns his slapshot into an amazing tee shot. After being mentored, he is convinced to try and play golf professionally so that he can win enough money to help his grandmother.

Released 1996; Runtime 92 minutes


  • Aggression & Violence: Happy tries to beat up as many people as possible while playing hockey; He acts aggressively on the golf course, throwing his clubs, yelling at spectators, and fighting other players.
  • Anxiety & Stress: As his golf game improves, Happy is struck by feelings of nervousness about getting just the right stroke, beating his competition, and putting correctly.
  • Imagery: Happy uses imagery to help him visualize his shots and also to imagine himself in a "happy place" so that he can clear his head and focus positively on the game.
  • Sportsmanship: Happy and his rival constantly act very un-sportsmanlike to each other throughout the movie, to the point where a spectator is hired to distract Happy from playing his best.